
About the Native American Zuni Tribe

According to archaelogists, the Zuni tribe were mostlyl farmers due to the irrigation agriculture in their environments which dated back to 3,000 years ago. Zuni culture is related to both Pueblo people and Mogollon, who resides in deserts of Utah, Arizona, Southern Colorado and New Mexico. The Zuni region, which was established in the 11th century, was probably one of the sparsely populated areas with small agriculture settlements. 

Fun Facts:
●    In the year 2000, 10,228 people were among the Zuni tribe
●    As of 2010, 538 Zuni lived in Arizona
●    The Zuni inhabited 180 to 1,400 rooms in 12 pueblos or village
●    The tribe speaks Zuni language, which is unique among all the Native languages

